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Activity Feed

Each league comes with an activity feed, where you can share your thoughts, chat with others, and see who gets eliminated after each episode.

Screenshot of feed page

Writing Posts

Most markdown features are supported (bold, italics, lists, links, etc.). You can also mention other users by typing @ and a few letters for their name on the website. Only other league members can be mentioned.


You can also attach an image (max 5MB) to your posts. This is especially useful for things like sharing the current standings of your money pool for example.

Screenshot of feed page
Screenshot of feed page

Jeff Bot Posts

After results are processed for each episode, Jeff himself will let you know who was eliminated and why!

Screenshot of feed page


You will receive notifications in the app when users mention you, comment on, or react to your posts or comments. These can be archived in the notifications menu. Clicking on a notification will take you to a detailed view of the post it is for.

Screenshot of notification component